Dear Windsor High School Community:
The District’s #1 priority is to ensure that students are safe while attending the schools of the District. Because we want to assure the Windsor High community that the campus is in fact safe, we are writing today to correct some misinformation that has been circulating regarding an incident that recently occurred on the Windsor High School campus. Note that State law requires that we protect the privacy of confidential student information. Therefore, we are very limited in what details can be shared publicly.
On Monday, March 3, there was a fight involving multiple students. The fight began when Student 1 approached Student 2 in a campus bathroom. Student 2 struck out at Student 1 and then Student 1 physically retaliated against Student 2. Friends of Student 1 then became involved in the altercation which resulted in Student 2 being injured and having a hair extension removed from her hair.
Staff was on site within moments, and the altercation was broken up. Specifically, the principal and nurse attended to the injured student. The injured student was conscious and talking at the time the student was attended to by the school nurse and principal. The school nurse did a thorough assessment of the student’s injuries. The student’s parent was reached immediately and was able to remove the injured student from campus. However, the injured student did not inform the school nurse or the principal at that time that they had been unconscious. It wasn’t until two days after the incident that the principal learned from the parent that the student had been briefly knocked unconscious as a result of the fight. Had that information been known at the time, different steps may have been taken.
Furthermore, it is inaccurate that the family wasn’t contacted quickly or notified of what occurred. The family was called by WHS administration, but they were already on the way to the school site because the injured student had contacted them.
We want to be clear that Windsor High School and Windsor Unified School District do not tolerate violence on its campuses in any way. Our staff followed the appropriate protocols in stopping the altercation, and providing care for the student. Our investigation is ongoing and we are making every effort to gather accurate information about the incident. Our student disciplinary process is confidential, so we cannot share details about that process other than to confirm that the District is following its applicable policies. We are also cooperating with local law enforcement.
We understand the emotional and frightening nature of these sorts of incidents. We recommend speaking to your students about the importance of non-violent solutions to disagreements, and in speaking out when violent acts are observed. “See something, say something,” is applicable in a wide variety of situations.
If there are additional concerns regarding this incident, please reach out to us. However, please understand that we are limited in what can be disclosed. If students have any additional information about this incident, they are encouraged to share that information with the principal and/or law enforcement.
Best regards,
Jeremy Decker Danielle Buckman
Superintendent Principal
Windsor Unified School District Windsor High School