Interdistrict Guidelines for the 2025-26 School Year
WUSD is always happy to welcome students from other districts; however, to guarantee right-sized staffing and appropriate classroom space for the coming school year, we will accept and approve interdistrict transfers using a window system. Please see the windows and potential restrictions below. In addition, while our goal is to welcome every student, different grade levels and programs may have various levels of availability, which may restrict transfer approvals (for example, there may be ample space in 3rd grade but not 5th grade).
First Window for Interdistrict Transfers:
Jan. 7, 2025 to Feb. 21, 2025
All completed applications (meaning all necessary forms completed and turned in), submitted during this time will be reviewed and approved in time for PK/TK/K registration opening on Feb. 24, 2025 (Other grades are open now). Admission is likely barring any disqualifying issues in application, such as discipline, grades, attendance, and/or program capacity.
Second Window For Interdistrict Transfers:
Feb. 24, 2025, to March 7, 2025
All completed applications (meaning all necessary forms completed and turned in), submitted during this time will be reviewed and approved on a first come, first serve basis. Priority for enrollment will be given in chronological order of receipt of completed applications. Acceptance not guaranteed, based on availability in grades/programs. Families will be notified of acceptance within 14 days of March 7, 2025.
Third Window For Interdistrict Transfers:
March 9, 2025 to May 2, 2025
All completed applications (meaning all necessary forms completed and turned in), submitted during this time will be reviewed and approved on a first come, first serve basis. Priority for enrollment will be given in chronological order of receipt of completed applications. Acceptance not guaranteed, based on availability in grades/programs. Families will be notified of acceptance within 14 days of May 2, 2025.
For APPROVED Interdistrict Transfers:
Once you have recieved an email confirmation that your Interdistrict transfer applcation has been approved, your next step is to complete your Aeries online enrollment by May 2, 2025. If completed after May 2, your acceptance will now be based on availability in grades/programs and your enrollment may be scheduled until after the first day of school. See Third Window Above.
Any/all applications received after May 2, 2025 may be accepted, but notification and acceptance is not guaranteed prior to the first day of school in August 2025.
Questions? Please contact Claudia Kvamme in the Education Services Department.
For new and continuing families wishing to apply for an interdistrict transfer (IDT) for the 2025-2026 school year, IDT Applications are accepted: January 7, 2025 - February 28. 2025
Application Procedure:
NEW applications only To expedite your request, please include with your application:
RENEWALS/ CONTINUING IDT students: Effective for 2025-2026, Interdistrict transfer agreements are good for two years and/or when entering Kindergarten, 3rd Grade, 6th Grade and 9th Grade.
To Submit:
Submit in person or via email the completed IDT application and required documents in person:
Windsor Unified District Office
Attention: Claudia Kvamme
9291 Old Redwood Hwy, Bldg. 500, Windsor, 95492
Or via email
Please note: Any missing documents will delay your application.
Once approved, you will receive a confirmation message from Claudia Kvamme letting you know if your application has been approved, denied or waitlisted and the next step in the enrollment process. Status notification of Accepted/Denied/Waitlisted will take place within two weeks of complete application submission.
Priority is given (but not guaranteed) to the following:
Notification of acceptance/denial: Families will be notified of their status (accepted, denied or wait listed) within two weeks of submitting all documents required. For wait lists, we will notify families of our final decision as soon as possible, but no later than 14 calendar days after the commencement of instruction in the school year for which the interdistrict transfer is sought.
Failure of the family to meet any timelines established by the school district shall be deemed an abandonment of the request.
Grounds for Denial:
The Superintendent or designee shall notify parents/guardians of a student who is denied interdistrict attendance regarding the process for appeal to the County Board of Education as specified in Education Code 46601 within 30 days of the denial. AR 5117 Students: Interdistrict Attendance
Grounds for Revoking or Rescinding an Existing Interdistrict Transfer:
Students under consideration for expulsion or who have been expelled may not appeal interdistrict attendance denials or decisions while expulsion proceedings are pending or during the term of the expulsion. (Education Code 46601)
Every interdistrict attendance agreement shall stipulate the terms and conditions under which the agreement may be revoked. (Education Code 46600)
Grounds for revocation may include:
The district will give ten school days' notice to parents/guardians prior to the revocation of the agreement. AR 5117 Students: Interdistrict Attendance
Interdistrict Transfers – Outgoing
If you live within the boundaries of the Windsor Unified School District and wish to attend school in another district . . . (not including charter schools or private schools)
A parent or guardian may request an interdistrict transfer to a school outside of the Windsor Unified School District in accordance with the Windsor Unified School District Board Policy. Releases are granted on a case-by-case basis and are not guaranteed. An interdistrict transfer must be granted by the Windsor Unified School District before applying to another district. If approved, Interdistrict transfers are valid for one year.
Transitional Kindergarten and Kindergarten parents will be asked to meet with the principal at their school of residence prior to a determination about the interdistrict attendance request being made.
If TK or Kindergarten - please complete TK/Kindergarten Site Visit Form – Required for new outgoing
Contact Claudia Kvamme, Secretary for Educational Services
Look up your home District or see WUSD boundaries.
Para peguntas, por favor llame a Claudia Kvamme, Secretoria de Servicos Educativos
Para buscar su distrito local o ver los límites del WUSD