The Native American Education Program is designed to address the unique education and culturally-related academic needs of American Indian and Alaska Native students.
The U.S. Office of Indian Education (OIE) administers the Indian Education Program of ESEA, as amended by ESSA (Title VI, Part A), which establishes policies and provides financial and technical assistance for supporting LEAs, Indian Tribes and organizations, post- secondary institutions and other entities in meeting the special educational and cultural related academic needs of American Indians and Alaska Natives, 20 U.S.C. 3423c and 7401 et. seq. The OIE is headed by a Director who reports to the Assistant Secretary and who advises the Assistant Secretary on matters related to the programs administered by OIE.
The OIE has three primary responsibilities:
1. Even if you are not a part of a federally recognized tribe, but identify as American Indian or Alaskan Native please fill out the 506 form.
2. Leave inapplicable sections on the 506 form blank.
3. This will assist with a better count of the Native population in the District and aid the Parent Action Committee (PAC) to best serve families and students.
3. If you are a member of a federally recognized tribe, please fill out the 506 form as complete as possible.
You can fill out the form at this fillable link or by downloading it below.
2024-25 PAC Meeting Dates: September 25, December 11, March 12, June 11. All meetings take place over Zoom from 5:30 to 6: 30 p.m. Click here for the Meeting Link. Meeting ID: 997 7468 3021; Passcode: 729003
Need to talk to the PAC? Email them at
Have questions? Reach out to Jen Cox: or 707-837-7701 ext. 1000
Want to learn more about the unqie history of our local tribes, as well as others around California? Check out the Digital Atlas of California Native Americans from the California Department of Parks and Recreation. This remarkable tool has five main parts: The Atlas Map, the Cultural Portals, the Tribal Atlas Pages, the Natural Resource Atlas Pages, and the Regional Timelines. Please follow the link to read about how the Atlas works, and then scroll down to connect directly to the Atlas.