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2025-26 Enrollment Information

Enrollment Information for 2024-26

A gold button with a white border and black text that reads 'Enroll Now (All Grades, All Levels)!' with a double arrow pointing to the right.

A gold button with a white border and a black arrow pointing right, with the text 'PRESCHOOL, TK & KINDER ENROLLMENTS'.

A gold button with a white border and a black arrow pointing right, labeled 'TRANSFER STUDENTS'.

A gold button with a white border and black text that reads 'Cali Calmecac Language Academy Enrollment' with a double arrow pointing to the right.

A gold button with a white border and black text that reads 'BIG PICTURE LEARNING WINDSOR' and a double arrow pointing to the right.

A gold button with a white border and black text that reads 'Sonoma County Virtual Academy' with a double arrow pointing to the right.

A gold button with a white border and black text that reads 'Have Questions? Click Here!' with a double arrow icon.

Welcome to the enrollment page for the 2025-26 school year. While we do offer rolling enrollment (that is, year round) for many of our sites/programs, the following are the dates/windows for pre-enrollment for the coming school year.

  • The official pre-enrollment period for preschool, TK and Kindergarten at Mattie Washburn will open Feb. 15, 2025. 
  • Cali Calmécac Language Academy. CCLA, as a charter, has its own enrollment process and timeline, and it’s enrollment window will open January 20, 2025 and due to their enrollment limit, close online pre-enrollment on February 28th, 2025.
  • If you are interested in an interdistrict transfer, the enrollment window is Jan. 8, 2025, to Feb. 28, 2025, though transfers outside that window may be considered on a site-by-site basis.
  • Both Big Picture Learning Windsor and Sonoma County Virtual Academy have seperate enrollment processes, though their enrollment is open year-round.

Please use the buttons to the left to enroll, get information, or ask questions about WUSD and it’s programs and schools.